This may be a very bizarre message to read but please do! Back in 2017 my partner and I moved half way accross the country and struggled big time. It was hard to manage and we faced a lot of hurdles in a place we’ve never been. Summer came and so did all of the market stalls. To cut it short, your market stall brought so much light into our life which seemed so dull. The guy that sold to us was so lovely, the food was delicious and those brownies were honestly the best brownies we have ever tasted. 4 years later after reminiscing on good memories and how amazing the brownies we had were when living in Eastbourne, we’ve always wished to try them once more. We even thought of going to lengths of travelling over four hours to buy some again on the hopes you’d be selling them at the market. Changes are low ay! But hey we would get a fun trip to the beach. We even considered travelling to Halifax
Considering we don’t know when and if you guys would be there. We remembered the guy who sold to us saying you travelled all way the from Halifax and we spoke about the back story to your food. We recalled him saying you don’t deliver which was such a shame.
The conversation of these brownies came up today, again, whilst we were watching tv, how great that day way, our doggies loved a little taste of the pies and sausage rolls and the brownies took our worries away just for a moment. Silly that food can do that right? But they did. So we decided to try and find you for the millionth time.
We went to the lengths of getting our bank statements up from 2017 because the guy sold us some in bulk and allowed us to pay on card and before my eyes we found THE CRUSTY PIE COMPANY. We literally both looked at each other, wide eyed with pure joy and squealed. We went onto the website and there it was, we found it!!
We hope to buy from you guys again especially now we see you do indeed deliver!! All 3 types of brownies from what we remember were out of this world. We’re sorry we can’t support your business again right now, one of our doggies fell ill late last year and we’re still feeling it. We just wanted to tell you this funny story and hope it brings you joy just like your food brought us in the times we needed it the most. Thank you for making such amazing food and for the amazing customer service and kindness you all have. We will always remember this, 4 years and strong!
Thank you again and keep safe