Taste of Easter – Traditional Pork & Egg Pie. Order yours for our next delivery on Wednesday/Thursday 27th/28th March just in time for Easter Celebrations.
Traditional Pork and Egg Pie.
Succulent traditional Pork Pie with hard boiled egg. Encased in crusty, melting in your mouth, hot water pastry. Topped with jelly – the old fashioned way.
Chose your size:
large – approximately 1lb
extra large – approximately 1.5lb
Apricot and Ginger Chutney
£4.00 -
Cakes and Slices
£4.00 -
Caramelised Onion Marmalade
£4.00 -
Chicken Tikka Samosa
£3.00 -
Chilli Pepper Jam
£4.00 -
Chunky Chicken in Creamy Sauvignon Blanc Sauce
£6.50 – £12.00 -
Deluxe Brownies
£4.00 -
Extra Large Personalised Pie
£25.00 -
Flaming Dragon Chutney